"Circular Reasoning"- The fallacy of assuming a conclusion to be true, in reaching the conclusion.
A favorite GMAT CR fallacy.
Example: Jack cannot lie because Jack always tells the truth.Example: A is true because B is true; B is true because A is true.
Two correct usages of "distinguish":
"distinguish between A and B""distinguish A from B"
Backup strategy: On the real GMAT, if you feel that you are running very short of time on the Verbal section......you must mark one RC randomly and move on...
-- Use the saved time to perform very well on the remaining questions!
The 3 key subjunctive mood constructions:
1. If + plural form of verb.If I were the Prime Minister, politics would be cleaner.
2. Subject + bossy verb + that + base form of verb.The judge ordered that the cop take the accused away.
3. Subject + bossy verb + that + something be done.The judge ordered that the accused be taken away by the cop.
On the GMAT, ensure 'completing' each section.- "no attempts" attract greater penalty than "negative attempts" do.
"Like" is used for "comparing nouns"."As" is used for "comparing actions"."Such as" is used for "giving examples".
1.Skim through the first paragraph.Take your eyes off the screen.
2. Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose" .Purpose is always very, very brief.Avoid paraphrasing the details.
3. Skim through the next paragraph.Take your eyes off.Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose".Link the purpose of the first paragraph with that of the second.
4. Keep repeating Step 3 for all the subsequent paragraphs.
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