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Experts’ Global brings you the world’s most exhaustive GMAT App for GMAT preparation. Available as both the GMAT Android App, as well as the GMAT iOS App, this tool shall prove to be your most faithful buddy for GMAT preparation at any point. Download this GMAT App for loads of free resources on the push of a button, as well as a weeklong free trial to the online program.

150+ Mini Videos
FreeThese 2-minute videos available for free on the GMAT Mobile App will expose you to the most frequently tested GMAT concepts – one at a time! You could watch these videos whenever you have a 2-minute window in between your tasks. “GMAT Shots” as we term these mini videos will be your most sought after companions throughout your GMAT prep!

35+ Application and
Interview Prep Videos
A These 2-minute videos available for free on the GMAT Mobile App will expose you to the most frequently tested GMAT concepts – one at a time! You could watch these videos whenever you have a 2-minute window in between your tasks. “GMAT Shots” as we term these mini videos will be your most sought after companions throughout your GMAT prep!

One Full-Length Test
FreeThe exhaustive GMAT app by Experts’ Global comprises a free full-length test with video explanations and interesting analytics. The test will give you a fair understanding of your existing preparation level, as well as help you identify the problem areas. To access the same, one only needs to opt for a “Free Trial” and complete a registration process that barely takes a minute. To opt for the free test on the GMAT App, one does not need to fill out any financial information.

Concepts Videos
For the benefit of our users, we have broken the GMAT into 100 pieces on the GMAT App and prepared conceptual videos for each part, followed by an exercise on a GMAT like interface. So, the GMAT Mobile App helps you understand a concept, apply it to an exercise, watch the detailed solution and video explanation, and thereby master the concept.

4000+ Practice Questions on GMAT-like Interface
The exhaustive GMAT app by Experts’ Global comprises a free full-length test with video explanations and interesting analytics. The test will give you a fair understanding of your existing preparation level, as well as help you identify the problem areas. To access the same, one only needs to opt for a “Free Trial” and complete a registration process that barely takes a minute. To opt for the free test on the GMAT App, one does not need to fill out any financial information.

15 Full Length Mock Tests
The GMAT App provides the user 15 Full-length Mock Tests (with video explanations) that closely replicate the GMAT in every way. 500+ of our global audience has confirmed close sync between the mocks on the Experts’ Global GMAT App and the actual GMAT, in scoring, question quality, the scope of concepts, and the user interface.

Rigorous Analytics
Both the GMAT Android App and the GMAT iOS App have a tool that analyzes your performance on the exercise and provides you an analysis of the same through graphs and charts that you can use to assess your performance and improve!

Weakness Diagnosis
The GMAT App keeps you aware of your 5 weakest areas each on the quantitative and verbal sections, on the basis of your attempts at solving the concerned exercises. To overcome your weaknesses, you can use the rich conceptual data that is available on the Expert’s Global GMAT App.

The GMAT App provides you with the feature to mark questions, which you wish to revisit. Using flags, one can tick off those questions, which one may not be completely clear about and revisit the same at a later point, in order to gain greater conceptual clarity.

The GMAT App provides you with the option of Stickers, that you can use for jotting down the points, which you find noteworthy and relevant and wish to recall at a later point.