Registration for Quant Only for 6 Months

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By registering, you agree to the following terms and conditions

No Refund policy

We have a clear no-refund, no-transfer policy for all our services and products. The user is sincerely advised to enroll only after due deliberation and seriousness about one’s plans. A change in one’s plan or any other reason whatsoever will not lead to a refund. Thank you for understanding and your kind deliberation.

Terms and Conditions

Intellectual Property Privacy

All content on this website and that given to the enrolled students is solely a property of Experts Intellectual Solutions Pvt Ltd. The user licenses are limited to individual use only; the enrolled students are expected to keep the content private and neither share the same with other individuals nor use them on any public platform.

Validity of the Subscriptions

The validity for all software based preparatory programs is either two, four, six, nine, or twelve months, depending upon the option selected at the time of registration, please duly confirm the same before making the purchase. Validity is not extendable under any circumstances.

No Transfer, No Extension Policy

The subscriptions are for individual use only and therefore, non-transferable. It is not possible to hold the subscriptions and thereby extend the same.


Experts Intellectual Solutions Pvt Ltd is registered with the honorable exchequer and comes under GST. The firm pays the applicable taxes on every enrollment. Avoiding the taxes is not an option, under any circumstances.

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