Frequently Used Vocabulary in Boldface Questions on GMAT CR

In this video, you will be exposed to Frequently Used Vocabulary in Boldface Questions on GMAT. These concepts will be helpful in solving verbal problems on GMAT.

Frequently Used Vocabulary in Boldface Questions on GMAT CR

Frequently Used Vocabulary in Boldface Questions on GMAT CR

In GMAT boldface questions, a passage will be provided that has one or more portions in boldface. The question will be to determine what role those portions play in the passage. There are certain words and turns of phrases that you will find in these types of GMAT questions, quite frequently. Without prior knowledge of the usage of these words and phrases, in this context, it is easy to become confused. In this short article, we will cover some of the vocabulary, most commonly seen in GMAT boldface questions, including both nouns and verbs.


  1. Conclusion - In boldface questions, the term conclusion is used to refer to the main point of the argument.

  2. Judgment - The term judgment is used to refer to any particular individual or group's opinion.

  3. Prediction - The term prediction is also used to refer to an opinion of some sort. However, "prediction" specifically refers to an opinion about a likely outcome.

  4. Evidence - This term is used to refer to hard data and facts that can be used to draw inferences.

  5. Fact - In GMAT boldface questions, the term "fact" is only used to refer to information that is known to be true.

  6. Opinion - An opinion is someone's individual point of view.

  7. Main Conclusion - Sometimes, a boldface argument may contain more than one conclusion. The "Main Conclusion" is the final conclusion of the argument.

  8. A Conclusion - Conversely, the term "A Conclusion" refers to one of the intermediate conclusions of the argument.

  9. Circumstance - When the word circumstance is used in a GMAT boldface question, it refers to any sort of fact or condition.

  10. Assumption. An assumption is a supposition, something that is taken to be true, without any proof.

  11. Consideration - "Consideration" refers to some type of careful thought.

  12. Finding - A finding is some form of fact or information that is discovered, not freely provided.

  13. Explanation - An explanation is a statement that clarifies something by providing information.

  14. Objection - An objection is a statement that opposes or challenges some other information.

  15. Claim - The term "claim" is similar to "assumption", in that it is an assertion made without proof.

  16. Position - When the term "position" is used in GMAT boldface questions, it refers to a stance taken by someone.

Of all of these terms, the most common are circumstance, evidence, fact, conclusion, opinion, judgment, and assumption.


  1. To Oppose - On the GMAT, the term "to oppose" means "to challenge".

  2. To Establish - "To establish" refers to establishing facts, meaning to prove something.

  3. To Evaluate - On the GMAT, this term means to examine any particular it of information.

  4. To Imply - The term "to imply", essentially, means to suggest something.

  5. To Introduce - On GMAT, the term "to introduce" is used when new information is bought up.

  6. To Support - When the term "support" is used in the context of GMAT boldface, it refers to supporting, or strengthening, an argument.

  7. To Undermine - Conversely "undermine" means to weaken an argument.

  8. To Challenge - Of course "to challenge" means the same thing as "to oppose".

  9. To Describe - On the GMAT, the term "to describe" is used to mean "to elucidate".

Of these verbs, the most common ones are "to support", "to explain", "to evaluate", "to establish", and "to oppose".

This article has deliberately been kept brief; for a more elaborate explanation, please refer to Experts' Global's Stage One Critical Reasoning videos.

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